Platinum Sponsors

17 October 2022| < 1 minute

Platinum Sponsors at the IEC 61850 Week 2022 in Cardiff UK

Platinum Sponsors at the IEC 61850 Week 2022 in Cardiff UK

We are thrilled to announce our joint participation with Elvexys SA as Platinum Sponsors at the IEC 61850 Week 2022 in Cardiff, UK, from 17 October to 21 October, 2022!
Elvexys SA and Strukton Power will hold a presentation on substation retrofit programme acceleration and give you insights into the large-scale project we are currently working on together.

Christian Legget from Elvexys has been working closely with the Strukton team to help with the IEC 61850 specification of the standardised bays and implementation of the solution using SST-SCT tool.

Andre van Berkel from Strukton Power has had the mission to reach vendor independence, standardisation across multiple GIS and AIS substations and to collaborate closely with Swiss partner Elvexys.

Save the date and stay tuned!